Have you ever played Super Mario? If you have, I can almost guarantee that you did not stop at one attempt. You played it over and over again until you mastered the first level. And the one after, and one after until your parents or spouse gave you a stern warning. Mario is an awesome game that gets the innovation funda. There are levels to be discovered, tunnels get you somewhere, new worlds pop up. Let me test your memory now.
Did you receive a user manual or an instruction set to play the game?
That’s a mind blowing aspect for a bestselling and maybe a best loved game. No one got instructions. Anyone, any level, age group could pick it up. You were up and running (literally), figured out how to knock those turtles off, and get to the flag. Time for another question.
What was the penalty when you failed in a level?
You had to restart that level. Not from beginning. Even better was that you could add lives after completing levels.
Mario rewarded attempts! This is the innovation takeaway for today.
To get better at innovation, you must take multiple attempts. Let’s say you are in a brainstorming session. You provide ideas but they are not leading anywhere. No problemo! Go for it again the next time and the one after.
The multiple attempts are helping you discover new avenues.
Just like in the game we discovered new tunnels or ways to make yourself bigger. More ideation sessions are adding to your skills. One fine day, you will reach a breakthrough to solve the problem. It might feel like you had an amazing session but the real winner here is the body of work you’ve put.
What’s preventing us from doing this?
Ourselves. Most of the times, we get in the way of our free-flowing ideas. We add filters – what will other’s think, what if this is not a quality idea, will it earn money etc. All are good questions to be asked at a later time. In an ideation session, the number of attempts matters. You have to generate volume.
From the forest of ideas, a clear path will emerge but first plant the trees.
If this doesn’t sink in, go play Super Mario. You will have fun and emerge inspired.
Try it
Happy Ideating!