Why didn’t I think of that?

Ever wondered “Why didn’t I think of that idea?” If so, look within and ask how satisfied you were with solutions in that space.

Growing up in Mumbai, I didn’t have a strong need for a food delivery app, grocery or taxi apps. The suburbs were developed, things were within walking distance, and transport was cheap/reliable.

My family members are in the textile business. Until recently, most used carbon copy (remember that blue ink paper?) solutions for invoices. While the world was cc’ing millions in emails, these folks were happy with the smudgy, original cc.

Unless a real pain is experienced things will stay in status quo. Necessity does bring out inventions. However, you have to separate that from an artificial necessity, which can probably create interesting solutions that may not be fully adopted by the market. What separates real from artificial necessity? IMO, the answer is a meaningful pain.

It might be prudent to ask what your satisfaction index is in different areas of your life. Extend that thought to organizations, to countries, and you will find products or services that have made a real difference. The state of satisfaction can mask problems and will lead to a prolonged status quo i.e. living with the good enough. Until someone shakes you up…